The labor union of the company offers warm care to the family members of overseas employees

source:本站 author:管理员 create:2020-06-12 15:58:48

The labor union of the company offers warm care to the family members of overseas employees


On April 22nd, the labor union of the company rapidly carried out the deployment and arrangement of the work of the overseas epidemic prevention and control union, and from April 22nd to May 15th, the company fully covered the care to all overseas employees and their families.


At present, the overseas epidemic situation has been well controlled, and some overseas projects of the company have begun to resume production. On the morning of May 29th, Mr. Zhang Qingfan, chairman of the company's trade union, together with company's labor union and the female members of its subsidiaries to carry out the arrangement of the company's second visit to the family members of overseas employees in the staff activity center. He made an emphasis on that epidemic prevention and control and return to work and production are very arduous work. We can't let overseas employees worry about the family. As soon as June gets hot, the company's labor union quickly organized to purchase a batch of summer cool quilts and Kaifeng specialty products, and send love to 257 families of overseas employees.

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China Eleventh Chemical Construction Co., Ltd. Address: No.53, Bianjing Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Zip

code: 475002 Tel:0086-371-22905559 Fax:0086-371-22922143


Website Updating:Internet Information Center, Technology and Quality Dept, ELECO

Contact person and phone number for the company's hotline for clearing arrears: Mr. Zhang from Operations Management Department 0371-22905515 (Subcontracting and Migrant Worker Wages)

Ms. Wang from the Procurement Department 0371-22905626 (Materials and Leasing)

©China Eleventh Chemical Construction Co, Ltd. Address: No.53, Bianjing Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Zip Record number:YuICPBei No. 12012028